Monday, May 9, 2011

National Women's Health Week: May 8-14, 2011

Photo: At the end of a hike with son

As women and mothers we tend to put the needs of all others ahead of ourselves. This is your time. This is our time to take care of ourselves.  Let us make health and wellness our # 1 priority this month. National Women's Health Week is May 8-14.  I urge you to commit to something that encourages wellness. Do some form of  movement (ex. walk, dance, run, aerobic class) make healthy choices during mealtime, meditate or be in tune with your mental wellness. Do some form of preventive health screening(diabetes, blood pressure, cancer).  Make an appointment to visit your doctor this month.

Check your local listings for events that promote wellness this week. Health fairs, screenings and other fun activities will be taking place nationwide to promote women's health. Make a commitment to focus on you this week. Women are the building blocks of their families and by extension, the entire community. It's time to get moving and this week is a great way to Spring into Health.

According to  "This year, the Office on Women’s Health is partnering with the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition to support their program, The President’s Challenge—a program that promotes the importance of moving every day and choosing a physical activity that you like so that you will stick with it."

It's time to make that commitment to be in charge of your well being and I hope you take up the challenge this week. Let me know what activity you'll commit to this week to promote your well being.  Be inspired, be brave, be healthy, be balanced and embrace your journey!

1 comment:

  1. I will commit to 20 mins of meditation time daily thos week. As well as getting in at least 3 days of physical activity (running, yoga, and zumba). This will be great not to mention it will keep me on target with my health.
