Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring time....a rejuvenating experience

Spring represents a new beginning. As I de-cluttered and reorganized my house, my mind and my spirit began to make the transition to that new beginning. Spring time is such a rejuvenating experience. It's a time when moms clean, de-clutter and reorganize. It's also the time we choose to reassess our bodies and create a workout plan to get us swimsuit ready. Even though we recognize that cleaning and exercising should be an ongoing process.

Working on my son’s closet and removing the clothes that no longer fit, gave me a sense of clarity and I reflected on this past year and the struggles I’ve experienced. My boat was tossed around in the storm and my life was rearranged. Things that no longer ‘fit’ into my life were cast overboard and my heart and soul lightened. God reorganized my life the same way I reorganized Simon’s closet. When I de-clutter and reorganize physical spaces, I experience clarity of mind and renewal of spirit. This cleansing process allows God to work with, in and through me. The old adage, ‘cleanliness is next to Godliness’ rings true for me. I cleanse my mind when I run and my spirit when I pray. In doing so, I become a more relaxed mother who is easy-going and filled with joy. So as I clean, I make room in my heart for God’s spirit to dwell there. As He dwells in me, I am able to be a better mother, a faithful and supportive wife, a loving daughter and sister a thoughtful friend and a caring neighbor.

When I go running to stay in shape.....not sure if I'll ever be swimsuit ready, I experience a renewed appreciation for my environment. The sun, the trees, the birds and the crisp clean air are such great wonders. I feel rejuvenated and connected to creation. I’ve shed the dead weight of winter and I feel alive in mind and spirit! It is necessary for me, as a mother, to have my mind and spirit in balance. This balance affords me the opportunity to listen to my loved ones and connect with them. 

During this Spring season, as you de-clutter and reorganize your homes and prepare your bodies for ‘beach season’, take time to reflect on your inner selves and evaluate the cleansing that needs to occur. Carve out time for prayer and meditation daily. Appreciate your environment as you walk, run, bike or drive. Stop and admire the flowers and other wonders of our earth. Connect with you and your Creator. Be present, be beautiful, be balanced and embrace your journey.


  1. Beautifully said. I recognised that God was- is taking me through the de-clutter process. The pruning can be hard and painful at times but when we allow it, it is so worth it! Enjoy the process my dear,knowing that God is doing it for your good and the good of those who come into you sphere of influence. Thanks for the bed time remonstrance.

  2. oh gorsh!!! I wish I could get my mind in gear with everything you wrote!! Good for you...wish I could pay someone to do all of these things for me:)

  3. Thanks Greta...I am growing and you're right...the pruning, though necessary, is quite painful. me I'll run for you, lol. Physical spring cleaning is no joke! 2 months b4 Simon was born I had a professional organizer aid me with my house....and another person helped me with the closets....I was 'nesting'. I try to keep up with it. The Pros are not too expensive and worth it. Another good idea...if you have organized friends, have them help you. I'l come help....I'll take my pay in food!!!
